Saturday, 1 November 2014


"On a fateful night when he set on,
He was his own;
All Alone!!

The nightmares were aplenty;
The resources always so scanty!

The victory was nowhere in sight'
Still he set along with all his might!

Ready to tackle the enemy soldiers!
Ready to climb mountains and boulders!!

For all the world had taught him was- to fight!

Challenging all the wounds, scars and tears,
Defeating all the arrows, swords and spears;
With his GRIT he slew all his fears!

And yes, there was of course a struggle!
But never once did he buckle!
For him the trouble was just a short-lived bubble!!

Through a dark tunnel leads a way to enlightenment!
The path to victory was never without a torment!!

For those who are ready to challenge their FATE
Befriend the word called - THREAT!!

And so the warrior rode on...

Ready to fight another battle
With a resolve stronger than the hardest metal!!

He was his own;
All Alone."

So what happened to the warrior? What was his FATE?
              But first of all, who was HE?
           "YOU, ME and WE ALL."
Yes, in a sense we all are 'THE WARRIORS OF LIGHT'. We have dreams and we have a purpose. and yes we have a HOPE; hope that we will one day find the LIGHT- the purpose of our life!

But in this journey and on this path to enlightenment 'WE ARE ALL WE HAVE'!!
There is nobody who can listen to your 'inner-calling', but you!!

"Destiny is not an excuse for failure!
Believe and the world is yours!"

"The Secret of life is to fall 7 times and get up 8 times!"

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